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[IPS]Month in Review - August 2015

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Much like last month, August has been all about performance and stability. We are happy to report that most clients are telling us things are running well and we are getting caught up on our support volume. It's nice to be back to much better response times to your questions!

So nothing too exciting to report for August but really necessary work being done. That's August... but then there's September...

We have a whole lot in store for you in September. Behind the boring scenes of bug fixing and stability improvements we have been preparing a whole lot of changes. You might want to follow our Blog here as we will be announcing, over the next few days, some exciting news like improvements to our CiC (Community in the Cloud) service, special renewal promotion for existing clients, and a feature-release (rather than just stability focus) nearing completion.

Thanks for sticking around through the quiet summer months of 2015. We were not resting or on vacation and cannot wait to show you all the new things we have in store for IPS Community Suite 4! Keep an eye on our blog here or our Release Notes section.

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