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[IPS] IP.Board Security Update

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It has come to our attention that a XSS (Cross Site Scripting) attack is possible within the Admin CP. The javascript is only executed when viewing the detailed pop-up of a specific failed admin log in.This issue exists in all IP.Board 3 versions. We recommend that everyone using these versions apply this simple one file patch.Simply download the zip for your IP.Board version, expand the zip on your computer and upload the file to the relevant folder on your server. The directory structure is maintained in the zip so you will have no issues finding the file.If you need assistance, please contact technical support.IP.Board 3.2.xzip.gif feb_3_2_x.zip 2.72K 4039 downloadsIP.Board 3.1.xzip.gif feb-3_1_x.zip 2.76K 957 downloadsIP.Board 3.0.xzip.gif feb-3_0_x.zip 2.76K 269 downloadsIf you are running a version of IP.Board older than those listed we highly recommend you upgrade to the latest, supported version as it will include this and other fixes.

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