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EasyApache EOL Items Removed


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Houston, TX -

cPanel, Inc. has released EasyApache 3.24. This version removes Apache 1.3/2.0, PHP 5.2, and mod_frontpage. As mentioned in Introducing EasyApache’s Optimal Profiles, these End of Life (EOL) items are no longer available in EasyApache.

These items have been removed for the following reasons:

  • They are no longer supported by their respective developers.
  • They include unpatched CVEs (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures).
  • EasyApache provides the most up-to-date, supported versions of Apache (2.2/2.4) and PHP (5.4/5.5).

Keep in mind that viable alternatives to mod_frontpage exist, such as WebDAV and FTP. Also, PHP 5.2 and mod_frontpage are available as custom modules (“opt mods”).

Important: Starting May 11, 2014, EasyApache users running EOL cPanel & WHM versions (11.38 and older) will no longer receive EasyApache updates. These users will still be able to rebuild EasyApache using the latest release prior to May 11, 2014. A message will appear in the WHM user interface and command line interface warning EasyApache users of this change. EasyApache users running cPanel & WHM version 11.38 will not see this message until that version reaches EOL at the end of April 2014. To learn how to upgrade your version of cPanel & WHM, visit http://go.cpanel.net/upgradeversion.

To ensure that you receive up-to-date product news from cPanel, we encourage you to subscribe to the “Security Advisories and Product Release Announcements” mailing list here: http://cpanel.net/mailing-lists

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